Ash Community

Location: Ash, Surrey
Date: 2020

Project Overview: Our team embarked on a transformative journey when a client presented us with architects’ drawings for a new community hall in Ash, Surrey. The challenge was two-fold: a tight timescale and seamless coordination with the housing site developer next door.

Unique Challenges: One of the major hurdles we faced was installing air conditioning during scorching weather conditions. The equipment had to be enclosed entirely, ensuring the project’s overall progress aligned with the required pace. Moreover, stringent criteria for surface water runoff added another layer of complexity to the project.

Scope of Works: Our commitment extended beyond the community hall’s construction. We undertook the complete build, incorporating both the structural aspects and the intricate landscaping details.

Achievements: Despite the challenges, our dedicated team successfully navigated the complexities, resulting in the creation of an impressive community hall. The project stands as a testament to our ability to deliver exceptional outcomes within challenging constraints.

Collaboration and Coordination: Effective collaboration with the housing site developer was critical. We worked in tandem to ensure that both projects dovetailed seamlessly, enhancing the overall impact of the community.

Conclusion: The Ash, Surrey community hall project showcased our prowess in managing tight timelines, overcoming weather challenges, and meeting stringent criteria. The result is a striking community hall that stands as a symbol of effective collaboration, meticulous planning, and unparalleled craftsmanship.