
In My Space with Kirsty + Neil | Client Chit-Chats.

A couple that loves cooking and entertaining friends needs a space that can keep up. Kirsty and Neil already had a unique sense of style and ideas about how they wanted their home to look. It was Heronlake’s job to make it happen, and to make their home lighter and brighter in the process. The brief: More downstairs living space and a home that made cooking, entertaining and living a pleasure.

See the Transformation
HL: So, you seem like you’re all settled in! How is the new space impacting your life and day-to-day routine?

K+N: We love to cook and wanted this project to change our living space from a tiny kitchen that was really gloomy to a decent-sized kitchen where we could enjoy cooking. Opening the back of the house allows us to enjoy inside-out living and our dog, Steve, can come and go as he pleases.

HL: Sounds like things are going well. Can you talk a bit about how you worked with our team to create the space you had in mind?

K+N: We’re absolute amateurs, so Stuart and his team guided us throughout the entire project, interpreting the architect’s plan and advising us on what we needed to decide on and when. Even the kitchen and utility room designs needed a lot of input to make them work in practice.

HL: That’s what Stuart does best! We’re all about taking concepts and turning them into liveable spaces. What made you choose Heronlake in the first place?

K+N: Our architect recommended Heronlake, and Stuart and Toby were open and clear about everything right from the start. They were clearly very experienced and knowledgeable and instilled complete confidence, which made it an easy decision to decide to work together.

HL: Well, we appreciate you choosing us and were thrilled to work on this fun transformation with you. What would you say your favourite element of the whole project is?

K+N: Definitely the light that now brightens the whole house. The back of the house was dark and starved of light, drawing a little from the front but otherwise quite depressing. The light in the extension now flows through the whole of the ground floor and has changed the feel of the interior of the house.

HL: It looks incredible. Where did you find your design inspiration?

K+N: Kirsty is 100% responsible for this. We have a mix of minimalist and maximalist styles but both like crisp white and bold orange. We both lived in London for many years and the borough of Richmond for the last 10, so we have incorporated some London touches like the District Line banquette cushions and the vintage tube station prints.

HL: And how have you incorporated that into your space?

K+N: Kirsty collects what she would call “retro ephemera” from the 70s-90s, but many would call tat! But she’s worked her collection into good effect here, now that we have the space to do so. It looked a bit like a jumble sale in the old smaller space!

HL: The eclectic touches all flow so well. What’s your favourite home decor item in your updated space?

K+N: The banquette that the Heronlake team built for us. We love it – and the District Line fabric we found for the cushions!

HL: We had a feeling you’d say that! So to you, what makes a house a home?

K+N: The people (and dogs) within it! But having space to relax, cook and entertain helps!

HL: Couldn’t agree more! We just have one final question: Would you recommend us to a friend, and why?

K+N: Without hesitation, 100%. Without us changing requirements, Heronlake would have delivered way ahead of schedule and below budget. As mentioned, we’re absolute amateurs and Heronlake really helped guide us, giving options and practical recommendations when we needed to make decisions and purchases. Having building work done is stressful but it really helps to have a team you can completely trust. Everyone that worked on our project was really nice to have around too; it makes a difference to be able to have a chat and laugh throughout!

HL: Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts on the whole renovation experience and we’re so glad you’re thrilled with your home! And Kirsty – keep collecting your retro ephemera. It looks fantastic!